Traditional Games ( Game, Sports, Party, Interactive, Kids, Children, Challenge, Vintage, Tradition ) - SG's Plethora of Traditional Games for Rent

NOTICE: Temporary Closure for Festive Holiday: 24 January to 7 February 2025. For urgent rental inquiries, please contact us at least 2 weeks in advance. We will promptly assess how we can assist you. We sincerely appreciate your understanding..
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Item Type

Traditional Games ( Game, Sports, Party, Interactive, Kids, Children, Challenge, Vintage, Tradition )
  • $260.00

Things to note

  • Please indicate the specific Games when submitting your enquiry
  • Base price is for 4 traditional games without tables
  • Price includes part timers to man the stations

Game Options

  • Chapteh
  • Congkak
  • Goli
  • Pick up Sticks
  • Five Stones
  • Tikam Tikam ( No prizes included )

Options Available:

  • Option 1: 4 Traditional Games

  • Option 2: 4 Traditional Games + 4 Tables with Red Skirting

- Setup Measurements of each table: 90cm (L) x 90cm (W)

  • Option 3: 4 Traditional Games + 4 Tables with Black Skirting

- Setup Measurements of each table: 90cm (L) x 90cm (W)

  • Option 4: 5 Traditional Games

  • Option 5: 5 Traditional Games + 5 Tables with Red Skirting

- Setup Measurements of each table: 90cm (L) x 90cm (W)

  • Option 6: 5 Traditional Games + 5 Tables with Black Skirting

- Setup Measurements of each table: 90cm (L) x 90cm (W)

  • Option 7: 6 Traditional Games 

  • Option 8: 6 Traditional Games + 6 Tables with Red Skirting

- Setup Measurements of each table: 90cm (L) x 90cm (W)

  • Option 9: 6 Traditional Games + 6 Tables with Black Skirting

- Setup Measurements of each table: 90cm (L) x 90cm (W)

Product Specifications



Step into the nostalgia of Singapore's heritage with our collection of traditional games for rent! From the classic Chapteh to the beloved Congkak, Goli, Pick up Sticks, Tikam Tikam and Five Stones, our vintage games are sure to bring a smile to your face. These timeless Singaporean games may be old-school, but they're still loads of fun - perfect for a unique bonding experience or a quirky party activity!

Video(s) are for illustration purposes only*



How to Play (Chapteh)

To play Chapteh start by standing in pairs or teams on opposite sides of a rectangular court. The objective is to hit the shuttlecock (made of feathers or synthetic material) over the net using your hand, wrist, or arm. Each player takes turns hitting the shuttlecock, trying to make it land on the opponent's side of the court. Points are scored when the opponent fails to return the shuttlecock or makes an error.

How to Play (Congkak)

Congkak is a game played by two players, each controlling seven holes on their side of the board and owning the "home" to their left. The objective is to accumulate as many pieces as possible in your own "home". On a turn, a player removes all pieces from one hole on their side and distributes them clockwise, skipping an opponent's "home" but not their own. If the last piece falls into an occupied hole, it is removed and sown again in the same way. A player's turn ends when the last piece falls into an empty hole on their opponent's side. If a piece falls into their own "home", they earn another turn. If a piece falls into an empty hole on their side, they can capture pieces from the opposing hole and add them to their own "home". The game ends when no pieces are left on the board, and the player with the most pieces in their own "home" is declared the winner.

How to Play (Goli)

Goli or marbles is a fun and strategic game. Players bring their own marbles to the game and use them to try to knock each other's marbles out of a designated circle. Players will stand at a predetermined distance and use a marble as a striker to knock as many marbles as they can out of a circle. The player who knocks the most marbles out of the circle wins.

How to Play (Pick up Sticks)

To play Pick-up Sticks, players drop a bundle of sticks on a table or surface and take turns removing them without disturbing the rest. Each stick is worth a certain amount of points. The game requires a steady hand and strategy to win. Enjoy the challenge of picking up sticks while trying to score the most points!

How to Play (Five Stones)

Five Stones is a beloved traditional game in Singapore. To play, players begin by scattering all five stones on the ground. Next, they pick up one stone and toss it into the air while simultaneously picking up another stone from the ground with the same hand. The player must then catch the initial stone before repeating the process until all five stones are held in their hand.

How to Play (Tikam Tikam)

How Tikam Tikam works: for a small fee, usually just a few cents, you'll get to choose a ticket from the board. The ticket you choose will determine whether you're a winner, taking home prizes like exciting board games or card decks, or receiving a consolation prize in the form of delightful treats to savor.


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